What Is Kizomba Dance?

Kizomba Dance Origin

Kizomba is a genre of music and dance from Angola. In their language, “kizomba” means “festival”. Before the outburst of interest in the 1980s, Kizomba had existed since the preceding century.

From Angola, the Kizomba dance has expanded to Europe, North America, and North Africa. It is most recognized in Spain and Portugal, where people always appreciate slow, romantic, and even sensual dance.

You will mostly get Portuguese songs when looking for Kizomba music. It is heavily inspired by semba, a combination of the tribal Kilapanda and the Angolan Merengue dances.

Check more: What Is Interpretive Dance?

How To Dance Kizomba?

The original Kizomba didn’t include turns and twists until it received European influences. 

Furthermore, the Kizomba we know today emphasizes a slow rhythm with a sensual and romantic vibe. 

Therefore, it requires interaction between the male and the female dancers. And the male needs to guide well.

The routine consists of 4-beat cycles, each beat containing 3 pulses. In total, we have 16 pulses per cycle. On that basis, the dancers will execute 2-step sequences and move from side to side.

Kizomba can also be a solo performance with additional trends to accentuate the accuracy of the movements. 

One of the most popular trends is Kizomba being put in the ballroom scene as requested. The simple explanation for its high demand is how beginner-friendly it is.

Once acquainted, the dancers can start injecting grace and fluidity into their routines. For both couples and soloists, personalizing a choreography is important, ensuring the audience would never mistake them for anyone else.

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